MVC Students

Mountain View Church Student Ministry

Category: Events (page 2 of 2)

Events that we are doing. This includes recaps and pictures of events we have put on as well as forms and registration for upcoming events.

Getting ready for day camp

Chairs are set and the activities are ready to go! Bring on the campers!


The Start of Camp


We spent today getting ready after a great dinner and sleeping another welcoming home last night. We are being generously hosted by Grace Christian Church in Tinton Falls, NJ and had the pleasure of worshipping our Lord with them this morning. It was a wonderful time with other believers and a challenging message from Pastor Vince. They have been incredibly generous and have made us feel right at home.

After the service we spent time together with Leneita and Craig from Aslan Youth Ministries going over details of the week, expectations, how to handle situations and learning the history of the ministry. It is truly an honor to serve with a ministry that values students so highly and is willing to do whatever it takes to show them God’s love.

Day camp begins tomorrow morning at 10:00 AM. We are starting off with some fun songs and Megan will be sharing the story of Zacchaeus for the devotional to kick off camp. After that we have a full day of activity and craziness planned.

Please pray for Megan as she shares, for the team to be rested and energized, for the students and their response to God’s love, and for all of us as we seek to do His will in everything we do.

– JC

Lessons the girls learned during travel

Throughout the trip our students will have opportunities to share what they are learning on the blog. It is interesting to watch the dynamics of the group when you begin with an extended period of travel. Here are the girls first observations.

We have learned a lot about each other. During this fun, yet long trip we have learned that Lindsey talks in her sleep, Will sounds like a bulldog, Mason breathes hard in his sleep, Megan can come up with the best nicknames (for anyone) Maddie is very gullible and is a loud whisperer, Sophie has had 57 bracelets that she has never taken off in two years and Abbie…. She is just the life of the party. Ps Abbie’s name is ahboob, Moses is a very loud basketball player, Myka is very patient when teenager girls wanna keep the light on at 11:24 PM, and Jared hates the third Pirates of the Caribbean movie.

– the girls

Prayers and Encouragement for the Mission team

In the hectic final hours of preparation for the trip I was not able to fix the comments for the blog. I’m not sure what’s wrong, however we would still like to hear your prayers and encouragement for the team.

As you read the blog or feel led please email jared (at) mvcglenwood (dot) org and we will share everything we get with the team each evening.

Thank you for your prayers and support!

– Jared

*update: Comments work now so comment away!

Time to Go!

We have gathered and trained together for many months now. Tomorrow we will leave MVC and head to Denver where we will stay overnight then fly out early on Saturday morning.

Throughout the trip students will be sharing their experiences and thoughts on the blog so make sure you check back regularly.  Personally, I have enjoyed getting to know each of them better and see the gifts God has given them.  We have read, prayed, discussed, and dreamt about this time and now it is here.  I know God has us going to New Jersey for a reason and am excited to see what He does through us as we serve him by loving others.

This blog is a way for us to communicate with our friends, family, and those who are supporting in prayer.  The great thing about blogs is they are a two way street.  When we leave a post you are free to comment and leave your thoughts.  I encourage you to leave thoughts, prayers, and encouragement for the team which we will communicate to them each evening in our family time together.  And you can start right now!  When you finish reading this post a prayer you have for a team member or the team a whole.  Then, after dinner tomorrow night we will share those prayers with them.

Thank you for supporting us and we look forward to sharing our experiences with you throughout the journey.


Here We Go!

JerseySummerLet’s get this started!

We will begin our training on Sunday, April 28th.  Each of you will receive a copy of By This Name which we will use for our training.  On Sunday, we will dive right in and read the first chapter.  You will also get a reading schedule so you know what to expect.

I am really excited to get started on this journey with you.  Keep praying for God to show himself to you through the training and equip you for the experience.

See you Sunday!

Jersey Summer – July 19th – 27th

The summer mission trip will be here before we know it.  This year we are going to assist a local church in New Jersey by helping them provide a day camp for children ages 5-12 in their neighborhood.  This PDF has all the details you need to sign up for the trip as well as training and preparation.


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