This year Pastor Dave and logos-is-faithlife-corporation-logoPastor Jared are reading through the Bible together and invite you to join them!  They will be using a Faithlife group to stay on track and share thoughts and comments about what they are reading.  To join them, point your  browser to – create an account, and click on the button to join the group. We are using a free resource provided by Faithlife so there is no cost to you.  Once you join, you will be able to see the reading plan, share your insight and thoughts, and engage with everyone else in the group.  We realize it is already past January 1st and you may already feel behind, but as they say, “Better late than never!”  Don’t let a late start keep you from the blessings God has for you this year!
Common Questions:
  • How much does this cost?  Nothing!  This is free for you to join.  The Lexham English Bible is provided by Faithlife at not cost.
  • Do I have to read online? Not at all!  You can read however you want.  The reading plan simply gives us a framework to read together.  However, if you want to write a note for everyone to see you will need to highlight the passage online and add a community note.  That is the only reason you would need to read online.
  • But, I’m already behind.  Don’t let that worry or stop you.  Pick up right from where we are and join in the conversation about what we’re reading together.
  • What does this work on?  Anything with a web browser and all mobile devices.  If you are using your computer and browser just go to  For smartphones and tablets download the app here: iTunes | Android