Psalm 133, John 17:20-23
On the night before Jesus went to the cross, He prayed for us. It’s interesting to note that the theme of unity and oneness was splashed all over this prayer that Jesus prayed to the Father. There is a song in Psalm 133 that focuses on this theme as well. Unity was celebrated as good and pleasant a thousand years before the time of Jesus. Unity – rooted in both truth and grace – was on the heart of Jesus the night before He went to the cross. In some respects, what we commonly refer to as the LORD’s Prayer (Matthew 6:5-13) was not a prayer that Jesus Himself could have prayed. That prayer was really a family prayer, or a model prayer that He taught His disciples to pray. But this prayer recorded in John 17 could rightly be referred to as the LORD’s prayer. Join us as we consider together the link between healthy unity and potent prayer.
Pastor Tim Haugen