Hebrews 12:1-2
Pastor Tim would say that for some time he has been measuring his life from the end and not the beginning. In some respects, life is a like a long race. In the midst of the race, it seems worthwhile to remember how important it is to persevere because the race can be long and wearying. Maturing followers of Jesus ask the question, “How do I finish well?” What kind of perspective can I draw from remembering those have run before me, and what is my focus that compels me to run all the way through the finish line? Wherever you are at in the race as a believer, and whatever your age might be presently, it is worthwhile to wonder about finishing well. You see time relentlessly advances. Eternity is just around the corner. It seems that those who live most wisely and fruitfully in the present are those who honestly ask the question, “How can I finish well?”
Pastor Tim Haugen