Luke 19:1-10

A closer look at an encounter that Jesus has with a guy named Zacchaeus. In Luke 19:1-10, we learn more about this encounter and we are given insight into Jesus’ attitude toward people whose lives are messy.  Jesus said He came to seek and to save the lost.  What does that mean?  The gospel makes it clear that God desires relationship with people.  The gospel further reveals that God has taken expensive initiative as an expression of this divine desire.  Remarkably, God does not require that we “get our act together” before we can relate to Him.  Rather, He pursues us and meets us where we are.  While believers subsequently are compelled to change and to live out distinctive priorities reflecting the leadership of Jesus in all of life, we need to acknowledge that change is a “fruit” of relationship with Jesus, and not a “root” of relationship.  It happened in the life of Zacchaeus.  His story is one of remarkable transformation – transformation that is triggered by honest encounter with Jesus. So while Jesus takes initiative in the relationship with us as He did with Zacchaeus, are there steps we can take to better “see” Jesus?  Rather than pretending we can somehow hide from Him, what steps are taken in the lives of people who are found by Jesus?  Come this weekend as we marvel again at Jesus – His power and authority and compassion – moving Him to seek and save the lost!

Pastor Tim Haugen

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