Connect Class – New Study
Our Sunday Morning Living Word class starts a new study August 6.
The MVC blog contains posts about life in the Roaring Fork Valley, theology, leadership, and ideas from our pastors.
Our Sunday Morning Living Word class starts a new study August 6.
MIDDLE SCHOOLERS – Join us for a Game night and BBQ. Bring your friends.
Baptism Is:
A STEP of Obedience to the Lord Jesus
in which a believer in Jesus
is immersed in water
as a public expression of faith
Why Should I Be Baptized?
. It shows you belong to God’s family.
. It shows that you willingly and joyfully identify with Jesus and offer Him allegiance.
. In baptism, you publicly identify with Jesus.
Every Tuesday evening through August 29 we will have a corporate prayer gathering from 6:30-7:45 PM. Pastor Tim will facilitate these gatherings. We plan to practice Scripture-fed, Spirit-led, worship-based prayer. For the first several Tuesday evenings together, we will explain what we mean by that and why we are intent on prayer times shaped by those priorities. We will meet in the Sunlight Peak Room. You are welcome to attend as often as you can.
Sunday, June 25
6:30-7:45 PM
MVC Worship Center
Over 300 years ago, Christians in Scotland would gather together to pray for a mighty move of God. They called their gatherings, “Concerts of Prayer.” These gatherings focused on three priorities – adoration of God, awakening in His Church, and advance of the gospel in the world. The Greek word for agreement is “sumphoneo,” from which we get our English word, ‘symphony.’ The idea was that as believers united in prayer about priorities on the heart of God, it would be like a symphony, or a concert, where all the players in the prayer gathering were submitting to a score written by God with the LORD Himself as the symphony conductor. On Sunday evening, June 25, we are planning to gather as a community at Mountain View to go hard after God in united prayer. Please consider joining us at 6:30 PM that evening in the worship center.