Fear Factor

Mark 5:21-43

“Fear can be a tyrant in our lives.  It can cause us to isolate.  It can prompt us to step away rather than stepping out.  In many ways, fear is the antithesis of faith.  Jesus encountered two people one day who were both vulnerable to being captive to fear.  Though the nature of the fear they each faced was different, both of them risked trusting Jesus.  He not only met them at their point of fear, but He moved them to deeper measures of faith and freedom.”

Pastor Tim Haugen

God in the Storm

Acts 4:23-31

Those who follow Jesus are not immune from conflict. Many of us recognize that in some ways, conflict may follow those who are serious about Jesus. It happened in the first century church. So how do we respond to conflict? What habit might we embrace as a first move when we encounter conflict? And how can we develop this habit in a way that honors God and provides perspective for us? Join us as we follow the amazing story of the first century church, and as we learn from their story how to flourish in the midst of conflict.

Pastor Tim Haugen

Clarity in the Message

Acts 3:11-26

Pastor Tim Haugen

Life at the Crossroads

Genesis 39:1-10

What do you do when things don’t work out like you planned? This week we will consider lessons we can learn from the way Joseph dealt with “Life at the Crossroads.”

Pastor David Miller


Acts 2:42-47

What kind of priorities mark a healthy church?  Certainly health in a church is an expression of a mighty move of God in that fellowship, but how does the fellowship then steward that health?  How does a church “take steps” to “stay in step” with the Holy Spirit?  At the end of Acts 2 after an utterly amazing day in which 3,000 people came to faith in Jesus, the church moved forward by living out four priorities. In living out these priorities, the church was more than simply interested in these values – they were devoted to the pursuit of these values.  What were the four priorities? And what’s the difference between being “interested”, or being “devoted?”  Join us as we take a closer look at the priorities of healthy followers of Jesus as they live in healthy community with other followers of Jesus.

Pastor Tim Haugen

Unconventional Presence and Power

Acts 2:1-12

Life transformation is remarkable.  Conversion is really a miraculous dynamic.  After His resurrection, Jesus assigned to His followers the privilege/responsibility to continue His mission in the world.  He came to make people new, and to bring  new life in relationship with God. However, the commission Jesus has given to His followers is not effectively accomplished through pressure tactics or mere ‘human persuasion.’  A person’s heart can only be transformed by God.  So along with the commission, Jesus promised enabling provision for the assignment.  He told His first century followers to “wait” for the gift of the Holy Spirit.  In Acts 2, there was an epic moment in history.  In that passage, the person and power of the Holy Spirit was given from that time forward to men and women intent on trusting Jesus and following Him.   What difference does that make? Today we want to give some attention to that practical and intensely important question.

Pastor Tim Haugen

Epic Community: A New Day

Acts 1:1-14

In first part of a series on the first century Jerusalem church, we are going to learn about the value of “effective waiting.”  In the Bible, the reference to waiting is pregnant with rich meaning.  After the resurrection of Jesus, and before He ascended to heaven, the LORD Jesus gave a staggering commission to a small band of His followers in Jerusalem.  The magnitude of the commission was seismic. But Jesus also was insistent about a specific provision that would be made that was essential to the carrying out of the commission.  Jesus told His followers to “wait.”  How can we wait meaningfully?  And why is it necessary to wait?  Join us on Sunday as we observe together the birthing of a movement that eventually swept the globe and transformed the lives of millions and millions of people.  In Acts 1, there was a new day.  And that new day would revolutionize lives.  God wants the story of the first century church to intersect our story – to the praise of God’s glory.

 Pastor Tim Haugen

A Look in the Right Direction

I Cor. 11: 17-34 

The apostle Paul has words of correction and encouragement for the first century church of Corinth and clearly gives three directions of focus that allowed them, as well as us as believers in Jesus, to come to the communion table with confidence.

Tom Westcott

Be Strong and Courageous

Joshua 1:1-9

God gives everyone a mission. His promise is that He will be with us as we seek to fulfill that mission. Let us “Be Strong and Courageous” because God delivers on His promises.

Pastor David Miller