Acts 4:32-37
God is a wildly generous God. In the biblical story we discover that God gives lavishly. Healthy communities of Christ-followers reflect characteristics of God. In the first seven chapters of the book of Acts, we have recorded for us the dynamic story of the first century local church around Jerusalem. One of the signature characteristics of that New Testament community was generosity. While it’s possible to give without loving, it is not possible to truly love without giving. In their love for Jesus and for one another, this community of Christ-followers reflected something of the LORD they followed in the generous way they gave. In what ways did their unity with one another shape their attitude toward money? For them in the first century and for us today, how does the practice of generosity connect to a desire to encourage one another? We have recently celebrated the resurrection of Jesus. How does the reality of a living Savior impact our experience of generosity as we share together in “epic community?”
Pastor Tim Haugen