Joshua 1:1-9
One of the astounding realities in all of history is that Jesus came as Immanuel – “God with us.” Interestingly, the whole of the Bible reveals a God who promises to be near believers, and who desires to be with us. He is a relational God. This Christmas season we are looking at some Old Testament passages where God ties a particular challenge to the promise of His presence. God challenged a young leader named Joshua to be strong and courageous (Joshua 1:1-9), and then He reminded Joshua that He would be with him wherever he went. People of faith take risks. God is honored when we courageously trust Him. Rather than playing it safe, courageous believers take God at His Word, they lean on His promises, and they dare to trust God for unexplainable advance. Followers of Jesus can live with the assurance that the Savior we follow is indeed “God with us.” Join us this Sunday as we are reminded that courage can be one more practical implication of personally knowing the LORD as “Immanuel.”
Pastor Tim Haugen